Saturday, 24 March 2007

French Onion Dip for dummies

This is one if the first things I ever knocked up in the kitchen when I was a kid, I got the recipe from my Aunt - and it is so easy, you could do it blindfolded...but be warned, it IS 'tacky' hehe - but tastes great and is good after a few beers when you get struck by the munchies...

You can serve it with Jatz, vegetable crudites, chippies - oh and don't forget,this is a 'sometimes' food ;)

  • 1 sachet French Onion Soup mix

  • 1 tub/carton Sour Light Cream

  • 6 Tb warm water

  • 1 Tb fresh or dried chives

  1. Mix all ingredients together in a bowl - thoroughly, making sure all soup mix is incorporated through the sour cream.

  2. Cover with plastic wrap and let flavours develop in the fridge for about 2-3 hours.

  3. Pour into a small serving bowl, stir and serve!

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